The Satyanarayan Puja is a religious worship of the Hindu god Vishnu. Satya means “truth” and narayana means, “The highest being” so Satyanarayan means “The highest being who is an embodiment of Truth”. Vrat or Puja means a religious vow, religious observance, or obligation. It can also be performed because of success in business or career growth; during social functions like marriages, house-warming ceremonies, naming of the children and so on.
Satyanarayan Puja是对印度教毗湿奴的宗教崇拜。萨蒂亚拉语的意思是“真相”,而纳拉亚那语的意思是“最高的存在”,所以萨蒂亚兰语的意思是“最高的是真理的化身”。 Vrat或Puja表示宗教誓言,宗教信仰或义务。由于业务或职业发展的成功,也可以执行它;在诸如婚姻,暖房仪式,给孩子命名等社交活动中。